
Total annihilation arm vs core
Total annihilation arm vs core

total annihilation arm vs core

Basically I'll surround my base in BBs and SAM sites (from TAUCP) so that nothing can get to my base, then I'll send forward a team to defend a spot while I have construction aircraft or beavers (amphibious TAUCP vechicles, best builders in the game, also one of 2 units that can build Vulcans, which are stupidly rapid firing BBs, but with shorter range) build a solo post of BBs, which will cut another swath through enemy teritory, until I've made enough of the outposts to cover the entire map (harder than it sounds, especially because I almost exclusively play ARM and the CORE's Devastators, or maybe just the computer in general, seem to have greater range, and if they build one just outside the range of my outpost and hit it, the resulting explosion will kill all of my BBs, but that's what nukes are for.) I usually play with range of site set to full map, simply because it's a pain to hunt down units out in the corner (or underwater in puddles like the computer loves to do on OCW) and the computer seems to know where you are already anyway.

total annihilation arm vs core

When doing so I make Big Bertha out posts. for any game on any genre, hell the only reason I MP Diablo is because I can do private games and only play with people I know). TAUCP has AI boosters, to make it more difficult, so I like to play hard difficulty with medium booster (on high the AI cheats a lot which makes things more annoying) against 3 opponents, usually on Over Crude Water (I don't do a lot of Multiplayer.

Total annihilation arm vs core